NanoPhos @ XENIA 2021: We Invent & We Deliver

XENIA Exhibition 2021 has been proven to be a great commercial success and was held at Metropolitan Athens Exhibition center. The impressive NanoPhos booth, in Hall 2, A19, attracted hundreds of visitors from Greece and abroad, who were guided into the magical world of “intelligent” solutions for waterproofing, insulation and thermal protection.

A pioneering product line of SurfaDur™ was launched to the public; SurfaDur™ F and SurfaDur™ R ThermoDry are high-tech insulation coatings based on polyaspartic technology, for roofs and floors, offering fast curing, for projects that require fast delivery, extended working time, exceptional elasticity, high resistance to weather conditions and thermal protection.
Thank you for visiting NanoPhos booth! NanoPhos, till next XENIA Exhibition will keep up developing and producing innovative, “intelligent” product solutions aiming at building sustainability.




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